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Open-Concept Living: Unhindered Views with Stainless Steel Tube

Posted by Miami Stainless on 14-Nov-2017 10:00:00

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When you think about how much time, effort and money the average homeowner puts into improving the interior of his or her property, it is difficult to understand why so many people insist on spoiling the views inside their homes by installing beefy banisters and hulking handrails on every staircase. Some even block their interior views completely by opting to install wooden panel railings which, no matter how ornate or beautiful they may be, have the same effect as a brick wall as far as interior design aesthetics are concerned.


If you are a fan of modern, open-concept design and you would like to create a spacious, airy feel inside your home, staircases fitted with stainless steel tube handrails and wire cable are a much better alternative to traditional banisters and handrails. Not only do they look thoroughly modern, they allow an almost uninterrupted view across the spaces in which they are installed: a huge plus for fans of open-concept living.


Staircases That are Both Beautiful and Practical


In the past, staircases in residential properties were purely functional interior components and were not expected to enhance the overall design aesthetic in any way. However, since interior designers have discovered wire cable and stainless steel handrail systems, sometimes used in combination with clear glass panels for safety reasons and sometimes not, the humble staircase has really come into its own and is now seen as an important interior component of interior design themes. By utilising see-through handrail systems, it is possible to create lighter, brighter interiors with seamless transitions between floors. You are no longer expected to sacrifice function for form or form for function when choosing handrails for residential properties.


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Stylish and Safe Galleries for Modern Homes


Upper-floor galleries are a great option for homeowners who love the idea of turning their property into one continuous space, with uninterrupted views not just horizontally but vertically too. Together with staircases that feature stainless steel tube handrails, galleries with the same type of handrail systems can be used to create a residential interior that is full of natural light and that feels far more spacious than it otherwise would, thanks both to the abundance of natural light and the unimpeded views that the gallery and staircase handrail systems allow. By incorporating evenly spaced wire cable or glass panels into your gallery handrail designs, you can ensure that they are both aesthetically pleasing and safe for family members of all ages.


Choosing the Perfect Handrails for Your Home


If you live nearby, you are welcome to come and see what we have to offer.  We can be found at 3/99 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads, Queensland 4220. If you are driving here, take the first left after the Shell station. If you live further afield in Gold Coast, Brisbane, or anywhere in the world for that matter, please feel free to browse our selection online, place an order for the type and quantity of stainless steel tube you require, and we will be more than happy to deliver it to you.

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